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Religious Orders * This Page *
General | Directories | Discernment | Documents | Individual Congregations
General Websites
- Apostolic Visitation of Institutes of Women Religious in the United States (30 January 2009-)
- Association of Contemplative Sisters (ACS)
- Busted Halo: Paulist magazine for spiritual seekers in their 20s and 30s
- Catholic Nuns Today (Catholic women religious based in Texas)
- Christian Brothers Services, IL
- Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM)
- Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR)
- Giving Voice (the voices of younger women religious; Fertile Fields)
- Hermitary: resources and reflections on hermits and solitude
- Institute on Religious Life (IRL)
- The Labouré Society (help for re-paying loans to enter religious life)
- Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)
- National Communicators Network for Women Religious (NCNWR)
- National Religious Retirement Office (USCCB)
- North American Conference of Associates and Religious
- "Post Nominal Initials for Religious Congregations of Men in the US" (New)
- Praesidium (balance risk management with the sanctity of mission)
- Religious Brothers Conference (formerly NARB)
- Religious Formation Conference (Washington, DC)
- The Resource Center for Religious Institutes, Silver Spring, MD (LRCR and NATRI merged 2009)
- Review for Religious Digital Archive (St. Louis University Libraries)
- Sangre de Cristo Center (renewal for religious; FSC Brothers, NM)
- Secular Institutes, U.S. Conference of (USCSI)
- SisterBloggers (netring list)
- Sisters Online (several socially engaged USA communities)
- Union of Superiors General (USG; Rome)
- USCCB. Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations.
- World Day of Consecrated Life (USCCB)
- Abbayes & monasteres / Abbeys & monasteries (Ad Lumen)
- American Benedictine Formation Conference (for women interested in Benedictine life)
- Anglican Benedictines (
- Benedictine Communities of Men and Women. Geographic Index
- Benediktiner & Benediktinerinnen in Bayern (Ettal Abbey)
- Belgium and Flanders. Kerknet
- "Blogs by Catholic Nuns" (A Nun's Life Ministry)
- Deo est Gloria (comprehensive directory of RC Communities; Meredith, NH)
- Directorio Católico (; Category 4531 = orders)
- Benediktiner & Benediktinerinnen in Bayern (Ettal Abbey)
- Kloosters in Nederland en Vlaanderen
- Monastic Ireland
- Monniken en monialen in NL & VL
- Orden (Leviatan, Switzerland)
- Orden, Kongregationen, Stifte, Klöster und Säkularinstitute (comprehensive!)
- Ordensgemeinschaften in Deutschland * Nachrichten/Aktuelles
- Orden und Säkularinstitute in der Schweiz
- Ordenes, congregaciones, institutos religiosos ... (
- Orders (Dominion Web with thumbshots)
- Orders (Open Directory Project)
- Orders (opuslibani)
- Ordini e Istituti Religiosi (Francesco Diani)
- Ordres et congregations (CathOliens francophone)
- Orthodox Monasteries in the US
- OSB Atlas (international Benedictine database)
- Peace Communication Network: Orders, Congregations, Institutes, Associations and other Religious Groups (primarily Italian congregations;
- Religieux / Religious (Ad Lumen)
- Religious Vocations (
- Religious Congregations and Orders (Dewey Decimal 255; Living Web Library, © 1999 William H. Lawson, Jr.)
- Religious Ministries, An Online Guide to (Catholic News Publishing)
- Religious Orders (
- Religious Orders (Catholic Online)
- Religious Orders (Rosmini)
- Religious Orders (Theology Library)
- Religious Orders: K. Georgedes, ed. (ORB: medieval studies)
- Sisters of Charity Federation in the Vincentian-Setonian Tradition
Discernment and Vocations
- Being a Monk (Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN)
- Consecrated Life (discernment, discussion, directory)
- National Religious Vocation Conference (for Vocations Ministers)
- A Nun's Life Ministry (helps people discover and grow in their vocation; that is, their life’s calling)
- Vision (Catholic Vocation Guide)
- Vocaciones (
- Vocations Online (Fr. John Regan, Joliet, IL)
- Vocations Placement: a Religious Careers Placement Service
- Bibliotheca Vitae Consecratae (Intratext documents on monasticism & religious life)
- Code of Canon Law. Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
Book II, Part III (Canons 703-755)- Conference of American Benedictine Prioresses. Upon This Tradition
- "The Identity and Purpose of Religious Life" by Brother Sean Sammon, SM
- John Paul II. "On Male Religious without Holy Orders" (22 February 1995)
- Missions. Consortium of Congregations. Service of Documentation and Studies (SEDOS)
- Monastics: Life and Law -- Reflections of a Benedictine Canonist (ABA, 1998; Dan Ward OSB)
- Review for Religious (St. Louis Jesuits)
- Rule of Saint Benedict (Benedictines, Cistercians, Trappists)
- Vatican. Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
- Starting Again From Christ (Intratext version, 2002)Individual Congregations (a selective, non-comprehensive list)
Orders that include Men or Women:
- Benedict, The Order of Saint
- American Benedictine Formation Conference
- Benedictine Congregations in North America
- Benedictine Retreat Centers
- Benedictines for Peace
- Benedictinos (
- Bibliotheca Benedictina (Multi-lingual Intratext Rule and Dialogues)
- Geographic Database (Search)
- Oblates of Saint Benedict (lay and clerical, men and women associates)
- Rule of Saint Benedict
- What's New
- Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis (approved lay association)
- The Carthusian Monks and the Carthusian Nuns
- The Community of Jesus (Ecumenical; Orleans, MA)
- The Community of Sant'Egidio, Rome.
- The Dominicans (OP)
- Dominican Life Magazine (USA edition)
- The Franciscan Archive (St Francis, the Franciscan and Capuchin orders, etc.)
- Franciscan Links
- Franciscans International (NGO at UN)
- Franciscan Wiki
- La Fraternité monastique de Jérusalem
- Maryknoll. Brothers, Sisters and Fathers
- Order of Malta - Knights and Dames
- Prier avec la Fraternité monastique de Jérusalem, St. Gervais, Paris
En plus des documents liturgiques, de nombreuses pri�s- The Vincentian Family Worldwide
Orders of Men
- Assumptionists
- Augustinian Friars (Villanova, PA)
- Augustinians of the Midwest
- Benedict, The Order of Saint
- American-Cassinese Congregation
- Saint John's Abbey, my monastery in Minnesota
- Swiss-American Congregation
- Brothers of the Christian Schools (FSC/De La Salle)
- Christian Brothers DENA (my secondary and undergrad educators)
- Christian Brothers (San Francisco District)
- Brothers of the Holy Cross (CSC)
- Camaldolese Hermits of Monte Corona (Ohio)
- Camillians (servants of the sick; Order of Saint Camillus)
- Caritas Christi (secular institute)
- Carmelite Friars in Great Britain
- The Carthusian Monks
- Analecta Cartusiana Blog
- Charterhouse of the Transfiguration, Arlington, VT
- St. Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster, UK
- The Cistercians and The Trappists (at OSB website)
- Claretian Missionaries USA/Canada
- Companions of the Cross (Ottawa, Canada)
- Confederation of the Oratories of St. Phillip Neri. (Official, Rome)
- Congregation of Christian Brothers (Edmund Rice CFC)
- Congregation of St. Basil (Basilians)
- Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)
- Congregation of the Resurrection
- Crosiers Fathers & Brothers
- Divine Word Missioners (SVD; Western Province)
- The Dominicans (OP)
- Franciscans
- Franciscan Links
- Franciscan Renewal Center (AZ).
- Franciscan Web Page (
- Franciscans International (NGO at UN)
- Holy Cross (CSC): Brothers - Priests (Notre Dame, IN)
- Jesuits USA (The Jesuit Conference, Wash., DC)
- The Josephite Fathers and Brothers (service in the African American Community)
- Marianists (Society of Mary)
- Marist Brothers of the Schools
- Marist Fathers, Brothers, and Laity (S.M.)
- Maryknoll. Brothers and Fathers * Maryknoll - Africa Region.
- Monks of Adoration (Augustinian)
- Norbertines (Canons of Prémontré; Premonstratensians)
- The Oratory of St. Philip Neri (México)
- The Passionist Community
- Presentation Brothers of Mary (Knoxville, TN)
- The Redemptorists (St. Alphonsus Liguori) * North American Provinces
- Rosminiani - Rosminians - Rosminianos (Institute of Charity)
- Salesians (Italy)
- Salesians of Don Bosco (eastern USA)
- The Society of Saint Paul: brothers and priests using the media to spread the Gospel.
- The Vincentian Family Worldwide
- Xaverian Brothers (An International Religious Congregation of Brothers)
- Benedict, The Order of Saint
- Carmelites
- Carmelite Nuns (Eldridge, Iowa)
- Carmelites of Indianapolis. Pray the News
- Carthusian Nuns
- Catholic Nuns Today (Catholic women religious based in Texas)
- Cenacle Sisters (prayerful expectation toward the outpouring of the Holy Spirit)
- Community of the Resurrection (Diocesan Dominicans; Casco, Maine)
- Daughters of Charity * DC in Great Britain
- Daughters of St. Paul and their Pauline Cooperators
- Daughters of the Heart of Mary (Holyoke, MA; Paris, France)
- The Dominicans (OP)
- Dominican Nuns of St. Jude Monastery (first interracial contemplative community in the US, Marbury, AL)
- Federation of Dominican Sisters USA
Faithful Companions of Jesus
- Felician Sisters (Congr. of the Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice)
- Franciscans
- Capuchin Poor Clares
- Franciscan Poor Clare Nuns (Santa Barbara, CA)
- Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity (Wisc.)
- Franciscan Web Page (Jim McIntosh)
- Franciscans International (NGO at UN)
- Monastery of St. Clare (Cincinnatti, OH)
- Poor Clares (Galway, IE)
- Poor Clares (Spokane, WA)
- Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (Canton, OH)
- Holy Cross Sisters
- Ladies of Charity of the USA
- Maryknoll. Sisters
- The Matara Sisters (Servants of the Lord and of the Virgin of Matara)
- Medical Missionaries of Mary
- Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC).
- Orden de Vírgenes Consagradas (Argentina)
- Pious Disciples of the Divine Master (part of the Pauline Family)
U.S. website- Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ). CEDC ... social justice by design
- School Sisters of Saint Francis (Panhandle, TX)
- Secular Institute of the Missionaries of the Kingship of Christ
- Sisters of Charity Federation in the Vincentian-Setonian Tradition
- Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
- Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
- Sisters of Saint Basil the Great
- Sisters of Saint Francis of Philadelphia * Spiritual Center (NJ)
- Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur (Eastern Province)
- Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur (Western Province)
- Sisters of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians)
- Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM, Immaculata, PA.; my primary educators in Phila.)
- The Vincentian Family Worldwide
Favorite Catholic URLs * Index
Br. Richard Oliver, OSB
Box 2015
Saint John's Abbey
Collegeville, MN 56321-2015
Comments or suggestions Write to me.