[SJA cross}

Adapted from US Internet Industry Assoc. Policy

Saint John's Abbey

Abbey Web Office

The Scriptorium

Privacy and Consumer Information

The Abbey Web Office supports the efforts of the Online Privacy Alliance and its initiative for industry self-regulation with respect to privacy. Any and all information collected at the osb.org/ sites will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed. A more detailed explanation about how we use personal information is provided below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Anonymous Mail:

Anonymous mail is disregarded.

Collection of personal information:

No information is requested or will be collected other than that pertaining to the fulfillment of requests for information or inclusion in any or all of the online directories maintained at osb.org/.

Resale or disclosure of information to third parties:

The Abbey Web Office does not sell, rent, loan, trade, or lease any personal information collected at the osb.org/ sites, including results from inquiry, membership and registration forms or email lists.

Use of cookies:

We do not use persistent cookies on the osb.org/ websites, but do in general support the use of cookies as a means to sustain voluntary, transactional sessions. It is possible to search the Geographic Database after refusing the transactional cookie, but it is better to start a new browser session before searching again. We do not support the use of cookies for undisclosed collection of personal information.

Privacy of our e-mail lists:

The Abbey Web Office maintains several e-mail lists that keep subscribers and interested members informed about the lists' topics. We do not sell, rent, loan, trade, or lease the addresses on such lists to anyone.

Other Privacy Policies

The Abbey Web Office supports and endorses the Privacy Policies adopted by Saint John's Abbey and its subsidiary, Liturgical Press.

Saint John's Abbey | OSB Index


Abbey Web Office
Saint John's Abbey
Collegeville, MN 56321-2015

Comments, questions, or suggestions? Write!



The Scriptorium. Index | | © Copyright 2000 by OSB, MN 56321-2015 | Disclaimer | http://richoliver.us/scrip/index.html